Dec 14, 2009

This is why I love Reason...

A lawyer with no business experience wants the banks to loan more without making risky loans.  Hmm, how does that work exactly?

Obama and the Banksters Matt Welch

Dec 8, 2009

The Obama administration is running a shell game...

A federal government deep in debt proposes to pay the bills for States heavily in debt.  Where will the money come from?  Oh, la dee da.... Don't Worry, Be Happy.

Governments Also Need to Adjust [John Hood]

Dec 7, 2009

The big problem I have with big government folks...

Is that whenever they see a problem they think there is a government solution but they don't see that government solutions lead to more problems!  In trying to solve a problem you have to look at the costs and benefits of a government solution.  Steven Den Beste on the subject:

Steven Den Beste: Government by Wishful Thinking

Dec 5, 2009

THIS is the most important thing to know about the Obama administration...

"Almost exactly one year ago, on a cold winter’s day, I met with my new economic team at the headquarters of my presidential transition offices in Chicago. Over the course of four hours, my advisors presented an analysis of where the economy stood, accompanied by a chilling set of charts and graphs, predicting where we might end up. It was an unforgettable series of presentations."

 Now follow this.  They made predictions to the President.  He found them "chilling".  Things got MUCH worse than predicted.  He congratulates himself.  That is just NUTS.

Dec 3, 2009

Thank goodness for John Stossel...

John Stossel is one of the very few reporters who knows anything about market economics, and he is a national treasure.

Stop Insuring Mortgages The folly of government intervention in the housing market John Stossel

Proving once again the only thing more clueless...

Than the Republican Party is the Democrat Party.  Wait until they see the tea party response to this: (from The Hill)

Job proposals from Democrats could add $300 billion in new federal spending By Walter Alarkon

What, exactly does the White House fear?

In the strange case of the White House party crashers, the administration is stonewalling.  The truth is going to come out, no doubt by a Friday evening news dump.  However, there is something very embarrassing  out there- what the heck is it?

NRO: Obama v. Pelosi

Dec 2, 2009

A destructive tax.

The federal Estate tax is a seizure by the government of private assets.  One of the worst aspects of our tax system is the charitable deduction for the Estate tax.  Given a choice between giving money to the government and giving it to charity, wealthy individuals often make huge gifts to charity or create foundations.  These foundations then employ the decedent's descendents for generations at jobs which do not contribute to the U.S. economy. 

Kill the Death Tax [Dick Patten]

Nov 30, 2009

Nov 28, 2009

Hmmm, speaking of deficts...

The idea that a federal takeover of healthcare would reduce costs was always a pipe dream.
The Cato Institute: ObamaCare’s Cost Could Top $6 Trillion

Karl Rove talks polls and deficits

Recently the Obama administration declared that deficit reduction would now be a priority.  If so, cancel the rest of the "stimulus"- a truly huge fraud on the taxpayers.
Rove: Voter Anger Is Building Over Deficits

Nov 26, 2009

You know your legislation is really good if you need a forklift.....

Only 2074 pages in the Senate health care "reform" bill:
Politico- Senate bill weighs in.

An act of war, not a crime.

The civilian trial of KSM and others in New York is a terrible mistake.  Here is Andy McCarthy explaining some of the reasons why this is so:
How Obama is courting danger....

Longing (I would never have believed this) for the Clinton Administration

 Perhaps a little more experience in the real world would be worthwhile:

Read the original post from the American Enterprise Institute:
Help Wanted, No Private Sector Experience Required By Nick Schulz

Steyn on "Hate speech"

The great Mark Steyn on the Fort Hood massacre and free speech:

It’s already happened, just a couple of weeks back. Thirteen men and women plus an unborn baby were gunned down at Fort Hood by a major in the U.S. Army. Nidal Hasan was the perpetrator, but political correctness was his enabler, every step of the way. In the days that followed, the near parodically absurd revelations piled up like an overripe satire, but a two-panel cartoon at the Toronto blogger Scaramouche’s website provided the pithiest distillation:
“This is your brain. This is your brain on political correctness”—a small and shrivelled thing.

Read the whole thing:  Steyn on Hassan